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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Stop, Be Quiet, and Make a Connection

How often are we caught up in the everyday craziness of just being busy? Well I know from a personal standpoint that it is a hard subject to grasp every now and again. We as a team are so caught up in the college studies, in the production of videos for the youth, what we are going to say on Sunday for our message, jobs, hanging out with friends, and spending that other time running place to place. What are we supposed to do when our life gets so hectic? Well I came across a book at the National Youth Ministry Conference and it was written by Doug Fields. The name of it caught my eye by the term "Refuel". Under the title it said "An Uncomplicated Guide to Connecting with God". There and then the book was in my hands and I was ready to go off to read it. There is a great simplistic way of connecting with God and Doug Fields definitely breaks it down into three main points. The three points are Stop, Be quiet, and make a connection with God. A great depiction of these points in the book was when Doug shared a true life story when he was approaching spiritual "E". Yes, you read correctly. Spiritual "E" is when you are so wrapped up in life and do not make those times to just settle down and listen to what God has to say. Your life shows this because you start having less patience, become more busy, you catch yourself just getting more angry, and so many other little things that are bothersome. These things are so true when you do not take the time to stop, be quiet, and make a connection. The passage in the book reads,

" I remember one time when it was very obvious to me that I was approaching spiritual "E". I felt distant from God. It was an overly busy time in my life---I was rushing around from meeting to meeting, and I wasn't connecting with God. And on this one particular day, instead of practicing what I preach and taking time to stop, be quiet, and make a connection with God, I chose to stop at a loud restaurant and connect with food. I was in a hurry to get to an appointment but had just enough time to go to In-N-Out Burger for my favorite "Double-Double, Animal-Style." Timewise I was cutting it a little tight, but if everything went according to plan, I would be okay. Unfortunately, it didn't go according to plan. The problem was with the young lady taking orders---she didn't share my sense of urgency. She was focused on trading lip-gloss tips with her friend instead of expediting the line.
I tried to drop hints. I tapped my fingers. I made broad, glancing gestures at my watch. But she went right on gabbing with her girlfriend. Inside my head, my spiritual gift of sarcasm was churning out remarks I wanted to say, like: "Hey, Buffy, it's called In-N-Out, not Wait-It-Out. If I wanted to spend this long in line, I could have ordered a burger from the DMV." I was on the verge of being mean and saying something rude. But I didn't. The only thing that kept me from it, though, was the fact that I'm a pastor and the fear that she might go to our church. Besides, if I had blown up at the gabby girl as I was tempted to, it wouldn't have solved anything, let alone gotten me my food any faster (and there may have been a mystery "extra" on my burger). Sure, she was slacking off, but the truth was, my anxious heart wasn't caused by her; it was my issue. My empty-heart issue. I was nearing empty, and it wasn't pretty. Standing in line and chewing on my fist, I knew something had to change. I got back in my car, and I stopped, prayed, apologized to God, and made a connection. "

Can you relate to this? I know I can and I challenge you to stop, be quiet, and make a connection like Doug did with the heart-empty issue he was dealing with. If you are getting busy and you feel like you are struggling to just get through the day. Maybe just take the time even 30 seconds to just say, "God I know I am struggling right now, but you are greater than me and I ask you to just lead my life and fill my emptiness and restore me to the truth. Lead me into the proper leadership that you have called me to continue my life restored and not full of emptiness. Thank you Lord for just caring and loving on me each and every day! You are so abundant and true! Amen!"

I ask you to pray that and just ask God to lead you this morning and today. Be like Doug today and maybe take that extra time to STOP, BE QUIET, AND MAKE A CONNECTION WITH GOD! God is so amazing!!!

Michael Kozlowski
One Love Productions

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1 John 4:19

"We LOVE because he first LOVED us."