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Monday, January 11, 2010


Whats up!!
I wanna thank everyone for the prayers and encouragement these past weeks and months. Been a rough time for me and my family, but God is good and he will see to the completion of his work as he says in Phil. 1:6. God is soo amazing and powerful and mysterious in the way that he works, that it would be a shaft to him and a mockery not to worship him. We have to come to the place where its real to us and where he matters more than that which is around us and consumes our dull everyday lives here on Earth. I force myself to constantly be reminded and inspired by God words... I starts a wall for verses so everyday i wake up and i am reminded of all i have read and learned about God through the years... and as i continue to grow and read and he speaks.... more verses get added. I would encourage all you to starts a journal, a poster, a bulletin board, or even a wall!!! Just something to write down verses or saying or phrases that stick out to you and remind you of God and his love, mercy, and all of who he is! Like it was once told to me it's easy to remember all the bad but what about all the good? dont loose site.... UNLEASH the mind and find out how big our GOD is. I DARE YOU to open the box and let God out from under your microscope and outta the box you have him in let him out. He is bigger than its even humanly possible to imagine! SSSTRETCH your minds! let the fullness of who he is be relevant... dont strap God down let him be the BIG HUMONGOUS GOD HE IS! Let go of unmet expectations, they dont work, let it go!! LIVE LOVE LAUGH!!! Live Free!! Live to the Full! and allow the cup of water you know as God.... spill into the ocean that is all of him!!! Be washed by the Water of the Holy ONE!!! God Bless ONE LOVE!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our God is good Cam and He is going to restore everything that is/was broken and bring full healing to everyone. You keep your eyes and focus on Him. Even when it seems at times everything around us falling apart..OUR GOD is still good...faithful...awesome..just....powerful..loving...Savior, He can move the mountains...Our God is mighty to save...He is mighty to save...Love you guys...Lisa W.

1 John 4:19

"We LOVE because he first LOVED us."